
it's not the end but a new beginning

Today was my last class of Dale Carnegie class. I really love me class because of our coach/teacher is very experienced and skillful at pulling the stories out from the bottom of your hearts. Yeah, as genius as it could have been done. She knows how to create the right atmosphere for us 40ish people in that 3 hours every Wednesday as if it was our playground to share with all the people in class about an important story of our lives.

As sweet/brutal as it could be. You never know what would happen on Wednesday's class. Yes, we've seen some laughed on the stage for their happiness, some cried for their long-hidden mistakes/worrisome, some smiled for their improvement, and some promised themselves for a better future. Yes, we've seen it all in this playground. It's the deep stories that resonate with each others' heartbeat again and again in this safe place of mind. Yes, we've seen it all.

Here is one of my favorite saying that I learned from this class:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
- Theologian Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr

